I met up with a couple of people around 12 to go shopping and boy did we shop. First if all, we went to daiso which is like a dollar store but nicer, and spent like $16. Who spends $16 at daiso?!? But everything there was so cute and cheap it was perfect. After our daiso haul we went out for lunch and got possibly the strangest thing ever. It was koreanized Japanese food and we got a chicken and rice dish but they covered it in mayo.... And when I say covered I mean COVERED.
It wasn't that great but I was hungry so I ate it anyways haha. After lunch we went and got the famous honeycomb ice cream which we had all really wanted to try while we were here.
It's organic soft serve with a honeycomb on top that you break over your ice cream... It was pretty good and I love ice cream so it was a win win situation. After ice cream we spent the rest of our money at étude house because it's adorable and we needed to stock up on cosmetics. Also, it's an awesome place for gifts because the packaging is so cute! But for real, Korean skin care and makeup is the best. Everything is fairly inexpensive but really high quality, and there are streets that are basically lined with different brands of makeup shops so it's really easy to shop around for the best product.
But the popular type of Korean makeup is like "natural" or "pure" makeup styles, which means the makeup is light so that you look like you are hardly wearing anything at all. Instead of beig heavily makeup focused, makeup stores also focus a lot on skin care (so that you won't have to wear a lot of makeup). This means that Korean skin care is the bomb and is definitely worth a try!
After makeup shopping we met up with our supporter/supporter group and shopped for a little while. However we were all really tired because it was so hot out and we decided to split up around 4:30. I headed home and ate dinner with my host family. Then we went out for bingsu! After bingsu (persimmon and red bean bingsu, I think it was) we saw a rainbow outside if the apartment! It was so pretty and we ran around for a little bit trying to get the best view if it haha. Then a few hours after dinner and bingsu my host sister dragged me out if the house so we could go eat spaghetti. I don't know why but we have these two part dinners a lot haha. The spaghetti was really gross but I was kind of hungry so I ate it haha. I was so ready to go to bed and I totally passed out after I showered. Good day :)
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