
Monday, July 7, 2014

Study study study

So today wasn't very exciting or adventurous, and this just demonstrates that not every day in Korea is going to be packed with activities and adventures. But hey, being here is an adventure enough, so I don't really mind these types if days. In fact, it's almost nice to take a day off from our jam packed days of self organized activities.
So this morning we went to the weekly NSLI-Y meeting and did some ice breakers (one if the things you will do a lot in NSLI-Y if you go) and talked about our final project. I'm really excited for my final project, but it's a secret so I can't tell ㅋㅋㅋ. Then we went out for lunch after the meeting- I had 떡뻑이 for the first time! It is basically like a rice cake covered in a really spicy sauce, and it was delicious! I quite liked it, but it's more of a snack food so now I'm really hungry haha. We also got mandu and then boba tea afterwards! Our group did miss our bus on the way to class, so we were five minutes late /:. I felt kinda bad, but it was my first time being late to school. 
Then we had class, which was especially tiring today for some reason. I just really want to go home and sleep, haha. Also, my legs are really sore today from all of the walking I did over the weekend! That was basically my day today, and although it wasn't the most adventurous day I've has here, I still love this city. I am so lucky to be here and I'm just trying to take it all in while I can! 

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